Know What Can Potentially Damage Your Fiber Optic Networks?

 Fiber optic networks are widespread owing to the vast array of benefits they offer. High speed of transmission, data security, immunity against electromagnetic and radio frequencies, etc are some of the benefits that contributed to the popularity and widespread use of fiber optic networks. However, durability is one of the overlooked advantages of these cables. The fiber optic networks offer a long life cycle. The life expectancy of fiber optics is generally estimated to be 30 years. In spite of their long shelf life, these fiber optic cables are susceptible to damage if exposed to certain damaging factors. In order to prevent damage to fiber cables and maintain the performance efficiency of the fiber optic networks, it is essential to know about the damaging factors. This post discusses different factors that can damage the fiber cables which eventually results in a reduction in the performance efficiency of fiber-based networks.


An Overview of Fiber Optic Network and Its Deployment  

In fiber optic networks, various fiber optic devices are connected using fiber optic cables. These cables transmit information in the form of optical pulses. In these networks, the source device acts as a transmitter, and the recipient device acts as a receiver. The transmission between the transmitters and receivers takes place in the form of light via fiber optic cables. These networks are immune to electromagnetic waves, radio frequencies, noise, etc and therefore the data transmission remains uninterrupted as long as the fiber cable is not damaged.

The fiber optic networks are commonly deployed for the following applications.

·         Business communication networks

·         Security and surveillance networks

·         Wi-Fi Networks

·         Factory Automation Networks

·         Intelligent Traffic Monitoring Networks

·         VLAN

Often the deployment of fiber optic networks involves fiber cable splicing, termination using fiber connectors, and integration of media converters in case of hybrid networking (Copper-Fiber).

However, if not deployed effectively, the fiber optic cables are susceptible to cuts and damage. Let us discuss different factors that can cause damage to fiber optic networks.    


Factors that Can Damage Fiber Optic Networks

Here are the factors that can damage fiber optics cables.

1.      Improper Deployment of Fiber Cables: Deployment of fiber optic cables is a tedious task. It requires splicing or termination using fiber connectors. In any of the deployment techniques i.e.; fiber splicing or termination, the skilled workmanship and right apparatus must be used. If not, the connection between two fiber cables may lack strength. This may become a reason for the damage of fiber optic cables. If improperly spliced, the fiber cables get tightened, the tension may lead to damage to the fiber. This eventually results in data leakage or abrupt failure of the entire fiber-based network.

The repair and maintenance activities for fiber optic networks can also cause damage to the cables if poor patching or splicing is done, cables are tensed, etc.   

2.      Animals: Generally, the fiber optic cables run over long distances. To avoid the interference of these cables from public activities, they are often carried through underground routes, under waterways, etc. In such situations, animals may cause damage to these cables. In fact, in many cases, the cause of damage for fiber optics cable has been reported to be animal bites. Rodents are known to cause cuts and damages to fiber optic cables. Also, for underwater fiber cables, fish bites are noticed as the cause of damage.

3.      Weather Changes and Natural Calamities: Although fiber cables are immune to minor weather fluctuations like heavy rain, thunderstorm, etc, the damage due to some natural calamities is inevitable. If harsh weather changes occur, or natural disasters like floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, etc happen, the fiber cables are exposed to serious damage. Natural disasters expose the fiber-based networks through immense air pressure on the cables which can result in the detachment of spliced joints. This can also cause cracks and cuts on the optical cable shielding which can result in the escape of optical signals. In situations like a flood, snowstorms, etc, the spliced joints may suffer water rush or frosting which can damage the fiber cables.     

4.      Construction Equipment: Fiber cables that run underground are always at the risk of damage due to construction equipment like excavators, drills, dozers, and so on. This equipment moves the earth beneath, which may carry these cables.  

5.      Vehicles: Fiber cables for short-distance networks often do not run underground. They are carried from pole to pole. If not properly shielded, they may get caught in a vehicle that may cause damage to these vehicles.


Man-Caused Destruction: Man-caused destruction during vandalism can be really damaging for the fiber optics networks. According to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), several vandalism attacks have resulted in power and Internet outage due to damaged fiber optic cables.

Now that the factors that cause damage to the fiber networks are discussed, it is essential to find efficient ways to deploy secured fiber networks. This can help in reducing data loss, reduce preventive maintenance and repair costs, and enhancing the performance of fiber networks in overall circumstances. Also, the quality of fiber optic cables and fiber-compliant devices like optical connectors, fiber optic media converters, etc plays an important role in the performance of fiber networks. It is always recommended to invest in high-quality fiber cables and related devices that are hard to damage even when exposed to the aforementioned damaging factors.





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